Upgrade body sculpting machine muscle stimulator emslim ems 2 handle weight loss beauty equipment

Plug Type: US Plug
Sale price$1,500.00


Instrument principles

By using HI-EM( high energy focused electromagnetic wave) technology to expand and contract muscles, limit training, and deep remodeling of muscle internal structure, That is, the growth of myofibrils (muscle enlargement) and the production of new protein chains and muscle fibers (muscle hyperplasia) to train and increase muscle density and volume. HI-EMT 100% limit muscle contraction of the technology can lead to a large amount of fat decomposition, fatty acids from the decomposition of triglyceride outflow, a large amount of accumulation in adipocytes. Fat acidity is too high, fat cells apoptosis, in a few weeks by the body's normal metabolism out of the body.

The effects of EMSLIM Beauty

a). The medical research shows that after one course of treatment, it can effectively increase 16% muscle and reduce 19% fat at the same time.
b). Exercising the abdominal muscles, shaping the vest line / exercising the hip muscles, creating the peach hips /exercising the abdominal oblique muscles, and shaping the mermaid line.
c). Improving abdominal muscles that become loose due to rectus abdominis, and shaping the vest line. It is especially suitable for mothers who have an increased belly circumference and a loose belly due to the rectus abdominis separation after delivery.
d). To activate the collagen regeneration of the lower pelvic floor muscle tissue, tighten the loosened pelvic floor muscles, solve the problem of urine infiltration and incontinence, and indirectly achieve the effect of tightening vaginal.
e). Exercising strengthens the core muscles, including the abdominals of the major core (rectus abdominis, external oblique, internal oblique, transverse abdominis) and the gluteus maximus of the minor core.Core muscle groups can protect the spine, maintain trunk stability, maintain correct posture, improve athletic ability and reduce the chance of injury, provide structural support to the whole body, and create a young body.

Musculpting neo is based on an applicator simultaneously emitting synchronized RF and High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic+ energies.

Due to the radiofrequency heating, the muscle temperature quickly raises by several degrees. This prepares muscles for exposure to stress, similar to what a warm up activity does before any workout. In less than 4 minutes, the temperature in subcutaneous fat reaches levels that cause apoptosis, i.e. fat cells are permanently damaged and slowly removed from the body. Clinical studies showed on average a 30% reduction in subcutaneous fat.

Bypassing the brain limitations, High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic+ energy contracts the muscle fibers in the area at intensities that are not achievable during voluntary workout. Extreme stress forces the muscle to adapt, resulting in an increase in the number and growth of muscle fibers and cells. Clinical studies showed on average a 25% muscle volume increase.

Musculpting neo induces very strong (supramaximal) muscle contractions,not achievable through workout. When exposed to these strong contractions,the muscle tissue is forced to adapt to such extreme condition. The musle starts remodelling its inner structure by multiplication of fibers and their growth. The High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic uses a specific range of frequencies that does not allow muscle relaxation between two consecutive stimulations.

The muscle is forced to remain in contracted state for multiple seconds. When repeatedly exposed to these high load conditions the muscle tissue is stressed and is forced to adapt.Recent studies reported that on average 15%- 16% increase inabdominal muscle thickness was observed in treated patients oneto two months after High Intensity Focused Electro-Magnetic treatments.

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